Upon confirmation of positive COVID test the following action must be taken.
1. Notify the Conference COVID liaison, your Association President and Head Coach with the individuals information:
- Name of participant
- Date of first symptoms
- Date of last contact with team
- Date of COVID results
- Potential exposures, other family members who reside in the household.
- 2.Individual is to quarantine 10 days from last date of team contact. If the date of last contact is unknown the COVID test collection date will be used.
3. Team will allow 72 hours downtime from the time of positive COVID test notification to identify any additional team members who are symptomatic and/or additional positive COVID cases. This means practice and or games are cancelled for 72 hours.
4. If additional team members show symptoms identified below, the individual will be required to self-quarantine and test for COVID.
- If the individual test negative the participant will be allowed to return once they are without symptoms for 24 hours.
- If the individual test positive the participant will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days from last day of team contact.
Fever (>100F) or chills | Muscle or body aches | Congestion or runny nose |
Cough | Headache | Nausea or vomiting |
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing | New loss of taste or smell | Diarrhea |
Fatigue | Sore throat | |
Our primary concern is the health and safety of our Volunteers and players and we thank you for your support and understanding.